For the 9th year in a row, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has been featured in The Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings. The 20th-anniversary edition of World University Rankings 2024 was published by the company on 27 September 2023.
This year’s Times Higher Education University Rankings include 1904 universities from 108 countries and regions of the world. Ukraine is represented by 14 higher education institutions.
The published ranking has updated the methodology, according to which a higher education institution is now evaluated by 18 indicators that measure the university’s performance in 5 categories of activity: teaching (29.5%), research environment (29%), research quality (30%), cooperation with industry (4%) and international prospects (7.5%).
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has improved its scores in the following categories:
In the Teaching criterion, the University has risen by 149 positions, improving its scores for all indicators at once:
Teaching reputation
Staff-to-student ratio
The ratio of the number of doctoral students to bachelors
The ratio of the number of doctors of sciences to academic staff
Institutional income
In the Research Environment criterion, the scores increased for the following indicators:
Research income
Research productivity
According to the criterion “Quality of research”, which was presented in this formulation for the first time this year, KNU was evaluated for all indicators:
Impact of citations
Strength of research
Excellence of research
Impact of research
The University also moved up 261 positions in the “Cooperation with Industry” criterion, where a new indicator, patents, was added.
The University received high scores in the International Perspectives criterion:
Share of international students
Share of international staff
International cooperation
During the preparation of this year’s ranking, more than 134 million citations from more than 16.5 million scientific publications were analyzed, and 68,402 scientists from around the world were interviewed. In total, more than 411,789 data points were collected from more than 2,673 contributing institutions. In addition to the 1,904 ranked institutions, another 769 universities have “reporter” status, which means that the data they provided did not meet the eligibility criteria for the rankings, but they agreed to be included in the final table.